Ninja Style

Hello everyone and welcome to my art blog! I hope you enjoy it, feel free to leave any comments or feedback!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Latest window paintings

Here are my latest window paintings, unfortunately picture's take better
in the evening when its dark out rather then in the daytime. 
Some of the quality is lost in the daytime pictures.

This was my fall one - Comming home from the fall fair.


Spring love is in the air!

Winter fun with friends!

I'm going to retake this one at nigh time to get a better shot.

Market- Breaktime

Taking a break from the market for a weeee bit...
In the meantime feel free to check out my other blog!

Don't forget to keep supporting your local market.
Down at the Old brewery market, every Saturday at 7am-1pm!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Here comes Christmas!!!!!

Hey everyone! Long time no blog!
It's a busy time of year,but there's always time for sparkles!

Here are a few pieces that I'm working on now, expect to see some of these this
Saturday market at the old brewery market!

Hope to see you all out! :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New stuff- commission peices

First up, is 2 commission pieces that I just finished last night,
they are so bright and beautiful in real life. I still do commissions, so if you would like something
just shoot me an email and ill see what I can do!

Also, a new ninja that joined the team recently! Ninja owl,
She is fast and deadly!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Hey everyone,
Keep an eye open for a future Etsy shop! I will let you all know
when its up and running. Sorry for the lack of updates but things are a bit
hectic these days. I hope to be able to update with new stuff soon. So please
Check back!! :)  Also dont forget that I am still at the market, lots of great
Christmas ideas, not only at my table but the other vendors aswell!!
See you then!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

More art

Hey everyone! Here are a few more of my ninja characters! They will be
at the market this Saturday! They make fantastic Chirstmas presents~

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ninja animals

Here are just 3 of my cartoon ninja animals! Expect lots more at the market in the near future!

 comming soon